Oxfordshire Ladies County Golf Association Supporting & promoting women's & girls' golf


Welcome to the homepage of the Oxfordshire Ladies Bronze League

Although not administered by the OLCGA, this section of the OLCGA website has been created to provide an online space for the latest fixtures, results and documentation associated with the Bronze League. 

The content of this page is provided and managed by the current Bronze League Organiser:

Denise Santilli (nee Richard) - Witney Lakes GC
“Scratch” Bronze League Organiser 2025
Tel: 07721 744020
e-mail: denise.santilli@outlook.com

 All fixtures - as at 8th March 2025

League tables will also be shown here once matches have started


To give Bronze Players the opportunity to play Competitive Match-Play off Scratch.

The Bronze League is open to any Club in Oxfordshire affiliated to EWGA and the Oxfordshire Ladies County Golf Association (OLCGA).


The League is played in Four Divisions (broadly geographical). Matches are played both Home and Away each year.

If the number of Clubs decreases the League should revert to two Divisions. In the event of change, a Meeting should be convened of participating Clubs to agree the future format.

It was agreed at the end of season meeting in Oct 2022, following a lengthy review, that there would be an update to the cycle of the divisions. The clubs would be divided into 3 sets (North, South and Central) - according to their geographical location and travel times within Oxfordshire. From these 3 sets, 4 divisions would be formed each season.

The details of the divisions are attached in the ‘5 year cycle of divisions from 2023’ document below and allow for an ongoing cycle until further notice.

5 Year Cycle of Divisions from 2023


The host Captain is responsible for organising the fixture and all Match dates for the following season should be finalised by 30th November.

In case of difficulties in organising a Match - 3 dates should be given, one of which should be a weekend. If a fixture is not finalised by November 30th, the penalty will be elimination from the League for one season. This course of action will be determined by an Ad-hoc Committee (see under Disputes/Difficulties).

New Clubs joining the League will be included in the following season’s fixture list at the Administrator’s and Captains’ discretion.

Download "2025 Guidelines and Rules"


Results of each Match must be sent to the Bronze League Administrator as soon as possible after each Match. The Home Captain should email the result immediately and then send in the signed Sheets, signed by both Captains, after completing their team’s final home match. (Match Results Form 2025 can be downloaded below)


Two Points for a Team Win. One Point for a Half.

Download "Minutes Bronze League AGM 7th Oct 24"