Grace wins the Summer Meeting!
01 August, 2022

Congratulations to Grace Beardsley who won our Summer Meeting which was held at Drayton Park Golf Club on Monday 1st August.
Drayton Park provided plenty of challenges with water, trees and long grass but this did not phase Grace who scored a handicap reducing 38 points, a very impressive score when you add in the oppressive, muggy heat on Monday. Lara was second, followed closely by Freya, Bethany and Ava who was playing in her first 18 hole competition for the county.
Congratulations also to Ruby West, Sara Savenius, Sienna Fegan-Smith and Issy O'Neil who played their first full 9 holes in a formal competition. All cards will go forward to start them on their way to gaining their WHS handicap!
Well done to everyone that played - as always it was wonderful to see the girls encouraging and supporting each-other.
Our thanks to Drayton Park for a very successful day.